PowerCLI SRM module: How to use it

If you have Site Recovery Manager in your environment and you are a scripting freak like me who wants to do everything from a Powershell window, you found the right place! You can already do a lot of things with the built-in PowerCLI modules in a... [Read More]

Canceling hung tools upgrade task

One of the steps of upgrading a vSphere deployment is to update the VMware tools to the version provided by the hosting ESXi server. Like most of you know, it is very easy to upgrade the tools from vCenter. You either click the Update VMware Tools... [Read More]

VSAN host health critical

I recently encountered an issue with VSAN where the health of the host would appear as critical in vCenter. The host was still connected, the VMs still running. The health of its disks could not be retrieved and appears to have connectivity issue. <img src="/img/vsan-prob-1.jpg" alt=""... [Read More]

VMware Tools 10.3.2 - and AppDefense

Just a few days ago I wrote about VMware Tools 10.3.0 that were recalled due to an issue with the VMXNET3 network driver for Windows. It didn’t take long for VMware to get back on their feet and release the version 10.3.2 and make 10.3.0 deprecated. Can be downloaded... [Read More]

VMware Tools 10.3.0 - Abort mission!

VMware rolled out the latest version of the VMware Tools in version 10.3.0 but recalled them quickly afterwards due to an issue with the VMXNET3 network driver for Windows. In some cases the symptoms can be a Purple Diagnostic Screen (PSOD) or guest network connectivity loss. Not fun… Virtual machines... [Read More]

Review : Altaro VM Backup

There is a sea of products on the market to backup virtual machines and they all provide more or less the same core functions. In order to stand out from the crowd and gain popularity, one has to offer innovative features, proven reliability, simplicity to use... [Read More]

Certificate replacement: PSC UI vs certificate-manager

If you ever had to replace certificates in vSphere 6.0 and 6.5 you may know that there are two different ways to do it. The first one using the PSC web UI and the second one using the embedded certificate-manager utility. Now you may also think that these... [Read More]

Faulty HBA troubleshooting

After moving an ESXi host to another rack, I encountered a really strange behaviour. The hosts are Fujistsu servers and are connected to an EMC FC SAN. After the host was installed in its new rack, when we powered it back on some datastores were missing but not all of... [Read More]

Certificates: Don't use common name as identifier

I recently encountered a certificate issue while working on a project when the certificate was being rejected in a web browser. At first my certificate looked fine, the FQDN was in the common name field (CN) and I had a bunch of Subject Alternative Names (SAN) as well. When I... [Read More]

Deploy Log Insight in Workstation

If you want to run Log Insight in Workstation (most likely for a lab), you will realise that once you deployed the appliance, all the settings you configured in the wizard have been diregarded. Note that the following is not supported by VMware and should only be used for labs... [Read More]