I recently needed to check the path selection policy on a large number of Luns on a large number of hosts. The idea of doing it in the web client was worse than the 35 degrees outside so I decided to script it.
I started with the Get-ScsiLun cmdlet but it was slow as hell to run so I dug into extensiondata of the host object and came up with the script below. It runs a lot faster, you just specify one or several VMHost object(s) as parameter. It also supports the pipeline.
PS> Get-VMHost | Get-LunInformation
Function Get-LunInformation {
foreach ($VH in $VMHost) {
foreach ($LUNMP in $VH.ExtensionData.config.StorageDevice.MultipathInfo.lun) {
$LUN = $VH.ExtensionData.config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun | where uuid -eq $LUNMP.Id
$PathNotActive = $LUNMP.path | where state -ne "Active" | Measure-Object | select -ExpandProperty count
$LUNID = $LUNMP.Path.name | ForEach-Object {$_.split("L") | select -last 1} | select -Unique
Host = $VH.name
NAA = $LUN.canonicalname
OperationalState = $LUN.OperationalState
CapacityGB = [math]::round($LUN.capacity.BlockSize * $LUN.capacity.Block / 1GB,1)
MultipathingPolicy = $LUNMP.Policy.policy
SATP = $LUNMP.StorageArrayTypePolicy.Policy
Description = "$($LUN.Vendor) $($Lun.Model)"
NonActivePaths = $PathNotActive
Type = $LUN.DeviceType
Local = $LUN.LocalDisk
LunID = [int]$LUNID
} # Foreach VMHost
} # Process