K3s etcd backup to S3 for free

The incident I had recently highlighted to me that I never set up regular backups of the Kubernetes datastore of my home K3s single-node cluster. As a result I converted K3s to use embedded etcd instead of the default SQLite as datastore backend, which allows me to configure backups... [Read More]

Troubleshooting broken K3s api access

While I work with vanilla Kubernetes (K8s) in my day job, I run a single node K3s cluster at home for my personal services like Home Assistant, Z2M, Unifi controller and so on. I mentioned this setup a little bit in this blog. Just like Kubernetes, the default port... [Read More]

Dell Firmware upgrade with Lifecycle Controller

During my years as a VMware sysadmin I got to do quite a bit of hardware work with firmware, drivers, compatibility and so on. But since I transition to the cloud native world this part of IT has moved further away from me for obvious reasons. Now lately I am... [Read More]

NAKIVO v11 with Agentless Proxmox backup and more

The world of virtualisation has been shaken up in the last year and a half with Broadcom acquiring VMware and pushing many customers to look for alternatives, along with the growing need for multi-tenancy and saas. Following its 3 months release cycle, Nakivo recently released major version NAKIVO Backup &... [Read More]

Start Renovate from a dashboard with Argo Events

Over the last few months I have been slowly adding features to my home setup (I don’t call it a home lab). I have several services I use at home like Home Assistant, Zigbee2mqtt, ESPHome dashboard and many more, running on a K3s node (mini pc with core-i3 and 16GB... [Read More]

Proxmox VM backups with Nakivo

The announcement of VMware’s acquisition by Broadcom marked a significant shift in the dynamics of the virtualization market. While VMware has long been synonymous with virtualization excellence, Broadcom’s acquisition introduces a level of uncertainty and apprehension among businesses reliant on VMware’s suite of products. The drastic changes initiated by the... [Read More]

BDRSuite v7.0.1 GA release

The fight against cyber threats never stops, and ransomware remains a top concern for businesses of all sizes. Vembu, a leading provider of backup and disaster recovery solutions, understands this challenge and has released BDRSuite v7.0.1, packed with features to empower your data security like never before. The highlight of... [Read More]

How to clean Kubernetes CNS volumes in vSphere with PowerCLI

Since I somewhat shifted from VMware Sysadmin to Solutions Architect for a Kubernetes service provider (Giant Swarm) two years ago, I haven’t done much PowerCLI as I now live in a world of Yaml, Go and Bash. However, I do miss PowerShell for its object oriented nature which I find... [Read More]

Major release BDRSuite v7.0.0

After communicating only about a couple months ago about the Release Candidate of BDRSuite v7.0.0, the data protection company is rolling the major version to its customers. BDRSuite v7.0.0 Download Link: BDRSuite v7.0.0 is now ready for download and live on the official website - Download BDRSuite v7.0.0... [Read More]